Monday, December 29, 2014

Sanibel Island

It has been way too long since I did a blog post.  I thought a year ago I would do daily updates for a year and call it quits.  I did great for the first quarter of 2014 but my daily posts didn't last long after that.  For 2015 I am going to be a bit more realistic.  I will keep the blog alive but not try to post something everyday.  Just when something is worth posting about.  Starting tomorrow I will write a few blogs about my recent trip to Sanibel Island.  After spending a week there I grew very fond of the place and had some great experiences.  For those not familiar with Sanibel is sits just west  of Fort Myers, FL.  It is a known for its shelling but there is a lot more than that to do.  I will cover several of these things over the next week or so.

Until tomorrow,