I mentioned in my previous post that we visited Sanibel Island, FL over Christmas. One of the highlights of the trip was seeing new varieties of birds. I've written before about my fondness for birds and seeing new types. While in Florida I saw one of my favorites. The Roseate Spoonbill. Before this trip I had never seen one in person, but I became familiar with them while playing bird bingo. This is a version of bingo that has birds on the cards instead of letters and was a gift to my daughter from my mom. While playing countless games the spoonbill stuck out to me. In Florida we took a guided tour of the Ding Daring Wildlife Refuge. While on the tour vehicle we stopped to observe a flock of white pelicans sitting on a sandbar during low tide in a mangrove filled estuary. When out of the sky came two beautiful pink and white birds. Before the guide could even say what they were I mouthed "rosette spoonbill." They were beautiful and looked just like the appeared on the bird bingo card just a bit smaller than I anticipated. After they landed they stood among the pelicans with their light pink feathers popping against the white background. So it was the small things like this that made the trip so special. It also got me thinking that if I ever own a boat or beach house I think Roseate Spoonbill may make a great name.
Until tomorrow,