Monday, January 5, 2015


A belated Happy New Year to everyone.  2014 could not come to an end fast enough.  There were some good moments but it will be remembered as a year of loss and tough times.  When I started the blog a year ago I had hoped to make 2014 the best year ever.  Well it wasn't but I have same hope for 2015.  So much of life is out of our hands but one thing we can control is to try to make of most of every moment of every day.  That is my goal for this year.  Focus on what matters and enjoy life.  I am not going to have any resolutions for 2015 as I did for 2014.  If you remember I swore off french fries.  I can report that I really did go all year without one.  We are now a week into 2015 and I still haven't had a fry but I can't wait to have one.  I look forward to writing about 2015 as I take it one day at a time.

Until tomorrow,

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