I think most people have a bucket list of places they want to visit. Hawaii and the Grand Canyon are probably common ones, but my must see place is a little different. It is monument valley park in Utah. For years I have been fascinated by the landscape in the park. Of course I've only seen pictures and videos but every time I see one of those spires rising out of the red tinted desert I feel drawn there. There is that famous scene in Forrest Gump when he decides to "just go running" Years into his run they show him in the park on a long stretch of road with several of the monuments in the background. This is the location in the movie where he decides to go home. I can't remember if this is where interest in the park first started but it sure is a spectacular background for that scene.
One of these years we will get out there to experience it in person. While we are we can see a couple other amazing places. Arches park is an incredible looking place full of many natural rock arches. Also it is not far from the four corners monument where Utah, Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico all come together. It would be cool to be in four states at one time. Each time I fly to San Francisco I come close to flying over this area but I look forward to the day that I can see it from ground level.
Until tomorrow,