Forty miles round trip. Five days a week for twelve years. That is my commute from home to work. Partially on the interstate, partially on country roads, and partially on urban streets. It is not a bad drive except for when there is an accident on the highway. On a good day it will take me forty minutes from door to door. The worst day was well over two hours. Though my route hasn't changed much over the years the scenery sure has. Charlotte is expanding outwards and much development has taken place over the years. I've seen a lot of accidents over the years and have actually been involved in a few. Three of the four accidents I've been involved in have occurred to or from my way to work. One was a hit and run which is accompanied by a funny story that I will save for a later day. When we moved to Charlotte we bought on the north side of town so my wife would be closer to school. I gladly took on a longer commute to live in a nice neighborhood. I have no complaints but it is amazing to think I spend about two hours of the eighteen or so that I am awake each day going to or from the office. I could do it in my sleep but everyday is a new adventure so who knows what I will see tomorrow.
Until tomorrow,
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