Wednesday, August 20, 2014


I have a new hobby.  It is scrapping…no not scrap booking but the act of finding different types of metal and taking them to the junk yard for money.  The ultimate prize is copper and brass.  After my father-in-law passed I took some of both to the yard and got over a hundred dollars for my mother-in-law.  The scrap yard was the coolest place ever.  I had no idea they took all kinds of junk and actually paid you for it.  I saw everything from cars and BBQ grills to some guy scrapping the wheels off of a bicycle.  Since that day I have be obsessed with finding metal.  Being an accountant I don't deal with much but there is one easy source of metal that I can get my hands on.  Aluminum cans.  On my drive in to work this morning I must have passed 10 cans on the side of the road.  It got me thinking that on Saturday mornings I should drive around looking for cans.  I know I would probably spend $10 on gas to find $0.50 in aluminum but it would be a fun hunt.  If all else fails I can raid the recycle bin in the break room at work.

Until tomorrow,

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