Sunday, March 2, 2014


In an effort to get in better shape I have signed up for an introductory CrossFit class. I want to see if this is something I can get in to. CrossFit has almost a cult-like following. You either love it or you don't do it. My understanding is there is not really a middle ground. My daughter's friend's parents own a very successful CrossFit gym near our house and that is where I am going to do my class. We have gotten to know the owners and they are incredibly fit but also very nice. I hope I like it and stick with it to support a locally owned small business. I've talked about my fondness for entrepreneurs. I'm not exactly sure what CrossFit is but I do know it is an intense combination of cardio and weight training. I received an e-mail from the gym today that included a waiver. It says very clear that there is a chance that you could over exert to the point of death. Um...I hope this is just something the lawyers made them include. I would hope that my body would say no more long before I near death from exercise. So I will report back on how it goes and if it is for me. Wish me luck.

Until tomorrow,

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