Where is Malaysian Airlines flight MH370? The plane left Kuala Lumpur bound for Beijing but stopped communicating and fell off radars just a couple hours into the flight. There has been speculation of terrorism or catastrophic failure. Resources from several nations have searched the waters where they initially thought the plane lost contact. This evening word came that the plane changed course and flew for a while heading away from China. Who knows what happened but more than likely 239 people lost their lives. Very sad but the big question remains. Where is the plane? This is a big planet but with all of today's technology we have to be able to find it to figure out what went wrong and to bring some closure to the families of the victims. I would never make light of a tragedy like this but am I the only one that ever watched LOST? A large plane disappears in the tropics without a trace...kinda creepy right? Speaking of LOST what was up with that ending. Four years later and I am still mad...that show made zero sense. That finale left me saying...."Really?" I invested a lot of time in that show with no resolution. Anyway, let's hope they find the plane soon...I'm anxious to know what happened.
Until tomorrow,
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