Saturday, March 29, 2014

Real Life

Sorry for the spotty updates over the last week. Real life has gotten in the way and to be honest I've fallen asleep several nights without thinking about posting a blog. I will play catch up this weekend and get back on track. Coming back from vacation is never easy and it just seemed the challenge was magnified this time. It was so nice to get away and forget work, school, and other things but coming home was really tough. Nothing major has happened but I thought I would recap some of the recent current events. The trip was great but way too short. I didn't win the billion dollar NCAA bracket challenge...nobody did. I'm still working on CrossFit and actually can't walk again this morning. My lost wallet was returned and I got a temporary debit card along with access to my bank accounts. Instead of a shirt malfunction I had a pants malfunction last night and blew out of seam on good work pants. The weather continues to be so blah but I think there hints of spring coming in the next week. That's about it.

Until tomorrow,

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