When it was announced a month or so ago that Quicken Loans was going to pay $1 billion to a person who picks a perferct NCAA tournament bracket I though it was a joke. $1 billion is a whole lot of money. Then it was announced that Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway was in on the action as well I knew it was real. Am I going to enter? Um...yeah. It is free and I can win $1 billion. I have had mixed experiences in these bracket contests. I either do really well or really bad. This year I am going use my head and my heart when making my picks. I am going to include my team, the Michigan Wolverines, and my father in law's team, UNC in my final four. Both would be semi-long shots to make it. I always choose my team and I want UNC to make it for Bill. He deserves some good. My other two picks are Florida and Arizona because they are the best teams in their regions. I will make a promise if I win the billion dollars. I promise to blog for two years instead of one. It is the least I can do.
Until tomorrow,
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