Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Oscars

OK so I'm a little late with this one. The Academy Awards where a week ago and obviously all of the winners and losers have long since been announced. I didn't watch. I think the only nominated films I saw were Frozen and The Hunger Games. Neither of those were up for Best Picture. I am vowing to watch all of the films that were nominated for best picture and do my own vote. Last night I watch the first one. Texas Buyers Club. It is hard to say it was enjoyable considering the subject but it was an incredibly well directed and acted film. A little background. It takes place in the mid-80's when the AIDS epidemic was becoming just epidemic. It tells the story of a hetero-sexual man who has AIDS and fights the system to find the optimal treatment for an incurable disease. Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto were excellent. As a child growing up during the 80's I remember AIDS as being so scary and this film reinforces just how scary it was. I recommend this movie and I'm anxious to see another nominee soon.

Until tomorrow,

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