When you think "Wild Wonderful" of course you think West Virginia...don't you? I've been thinking a lot about West Virgina the past week. Before I say why, I should talk a little about what I think of the mountaineer state. I have the pleasure of driving the length of the West Virginia turnpike at least twice a year on the way to and from Michigan. It is a beautiful and rugged place. Charleston, the state capital sits at the confluence (intersection) of the Elk and Kanawha rivers. When driving the turnpike, Charleston is the first city you see when you come out of the mountains heading north and when heading south it is the last bit of civilization before heading into the wilderness. The golden dome of the capital building set against the the worn city is always a welcome sight.
Charleston was in the news this week due to a toxic chemical spill in the Elk river that left over 300,000 unable to use the water in their homes to drink, bathe, or cook. Restaurants and schools closed. It was a disaster, but in my opinion a disaster that could have been avoided. The tank that leaked was just upriver from the intake used to supply water to several counties. Things that are upriver tend to come downriver eventually. And who builds a chemical plant next to the water supply for a populated area? I won't go on but I think you get the point.
I can sympathize with those impacted by the spill. There is not much worse than living without water. Several years ago I somehow forgot to pay the water bill. Without warning they shut off my water. It was only for a day before I paid and they sent someone out but it was a long day. Ever shower using a bottle of Dasani? It sucks. One thing those impacted in WV had going for them was that their toilets still worked....my didn't. That bill is now paid early each month.
Until tomorrow,