Early in my career I was fortunate to work in the brokerage business and met many hugely successful people. The most impressive and most affluent had one thing in common. They were business owners....entrpreneurs. I admire those that take risks and invest their own time, energy, and capital into building their idea into a business. It is easy to be a leader in a large corporation. Your money is not at stake. This is not the case for business owners. If you fail you lose more than your job. You can lose everything. That fear I believe is what drives business owners to work harder than people that take the corporate route to a career. I wish I was wired like that. I tend to take the safe path. I have family members that have started busineses that have become very successful. I view that as the ultimate accomplishment for a business person. I am not going to give up my goal of someday being an entrepreneur....I just need a great idea. There have been times over the years where I thought I was on to something only to find it was not an original. The one that stick out to me is a beach towel with hooks on the top so that it wouldn't slide down the beach chair. Before you go running to the patent office...it exists and it is pretty far from a million dollar product. So I will keep thinking about the next big thing. When I find it I hope I have the guts to take it and run with it.
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